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How good are your Leadership skills?

Get a “freakishly accurate” breakdown of your leadership abilities in minutes! 

John Hamilton
Katie Lander
Gavin Casper Bath

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Lion Leadership

Your LLS Meaning

Why 'Lion' Leadership?

Our leadership test taps into the lion's spirit—symbolising strength, courage, and natural leadership qualities. See how you embody these traits to lead your pack!

Leadership Traits

What do we Evaluate?

Our evaluation focuses on the text's visionary perspective, clarity in communication, adherence to ethical integrity, demonstration of emotional intelligence, and its capacity for decisive action, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of its effectiveness and impact.


Stand Out 

How do I compare?

Discover how your leadership skills stack up! Our interactive page lets you compare your scores on vision, communication, integrity, emotional intelligence, and decisiveness with those of peers from around the globe. 


Join Hundreds of others who have Took the Lion Leadership Test

Here's what they had to say...

Anyone who wants to reach their full potential needs someone to ask the difficult questions that others are not willing to ask and G did that at every opportunity.

I came away from my time with the G Team Academy feeling much more confident, in my ability and in the leader I wanted to become.

I came away from my time with the G Team Academy feeling much more confident, in my ability and in the leader I wanted to become.

John Hamilton

John Hamilton

LLS: 87

Katie Lander

Katie Lander

LLS: 84

Gavin Casper Bath

Gavin Casper Bath

LLS: 76

Curious how accurate we are about you?

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